Generation No. 11
1028. LAWRENCE PEIRSON (Source: (1) Wilmslow Parish Registers, for christenings,
marriages, burials. (on microfilm., (2) Presbury Parish Registers., (3) Morley MM, for births, marriages, and burials at Mobberley.
(on microfilm., (4) Cheshire Quarterly Meeting (to verify Morley MM) (on microfilm., (5) Sufferings of the People Called Quakers",
by Beese, Vol. 1, page 52, and Vol. 2, pages 40-41., (6) ''Mortgages of General Loan Office of Pa. "., (7) History of the
Lye Family", (1956) by Arthur Bye., (8) "Encyclopedia of Arnerican Quaker Gene.", by Williarn Wade Hinshaw, Volume 2, page
1021., (9) "Colonial & Rev. Families of Pa.", (1936) by Jordan, Vol. 7. (Cooper family.), born 04 May
1607 in Bollin Twp., Wilmslow Parish, Cheshire; died Feb 1673 in Pownall Fee England.
He was the son of 2056. EDWARD PEERESONE and 2057. Ann North. He
married 1029. ELIZABETH JANNEY Abt. 1650 in Moberly Quaker Burying Ground, 2 miles from Pownall Hall.
1029. ELIZABETH JANNEY (Source: (1) "History of Bucks Co.," by Davis, pages 57-60.,
(2) The Quaker Janneys of Cheshire," by Miles White., (3) "History of the Bye Family," (1956) by Arthur Bye. (He was a noted
researcher of the medieval era, and in his book he includes the Janney lineage as ancestors of the Pearsons. He traces ancestry
back to the Count of Guynes. Two Byes married two Pearsons, children of Edward Pearson 1651-1697.).), born 07 Jun 1620
in Pownall Fee, Cheshire, ENG; died 13 Aug 1662 in Pownall Fee England. She was
the daughter of 2058. RANDLE JANNEY and 2059. ELLEN ALLRED.
Piers/Pierson is a common name in parish registers of Wilmslow for a century before Lawrence
Pierson. The spelling varied with each new clerk. Only Lawrence and his brother Robert are found in the Quaker records of
that area. In 1647, George Fox first preached in England. The Society of Friends (Quakers) were founded on his ideals. Many
historians date the official founding of the Quakers as 1652. However, Lawrence Peirson is not found in Parish registers after
1647. His first wife died circa 1648, he remarried, and had two more children before the records of Morley MM begin. Morley
MM had been founded circa1648, but the earliest records have been damaged, so there is a gap in records. The Janney family
were among the earliest Quakers in Wilmslow Parish.
Quaker records of the time show:
1650, Lawrence Pearson was imprisoned for testifying in the streets of Highfield, Derbyshire.
(per "Sufferings" below)
1657, Lawrence Pearson of Wilmslow Parish refused to pay a tithe, and had a horse worth L.3
confiscated, to pay the 8 sh. tithe.
1665, Lawrence Pearson of Pownall Fee, was arrested at a meeting, and jailed for two months.
1673, Robert Pearson, Thomas Janney, and Thomas Pott were relieved of L.10.9.0. to pay tithes
totaling L.2.14.0.
NOTE : The Church of England levied tithes on everyone, whether you set foot in the church or
not. This taxation without representation was protested by the Quakers, and carefully recorded by them, in order to petition
for redress.
He seems to have lived at Styall, Pownall Fee Twp., Wilmslow. From the Prestbury Parish register:
1643, Apr 02, Lawrence Pierson of Mobberly, marred to Anne Worth, at Prestbury. No further record of Anne was found. Apparently
she died, and Lawrence was married in the Quaker meeting to Elizabeth Janney, of a very active Quaker family. Elizabeth, wife
of Lawrence, was buried 13 Aug 1662 at Mobberly. She was dau of Randle Janney and Ellen Allred. In 1657, Lawrence Pearson
of Wilmslow Parish refused to pay a tithe, and had a horse worth three pounds confiscated to pay an eight shilling tithe.
In 1665 Lawrence Pearson of Pownall Fee was arrested at a Quaker meeting and jailed for two months. In 1650, Lawrence Pearson
was imprisoned for testifying in the streets at Highfield, County Derby. In 1660, Robert Pearson, his brother, was put in
jail for refusing to take an oath.
WILL OF LAWRENCE PEARSON in the Probate Registry, Chester. A.D. 1673, Feb 21
I, Lawrence Peirson of Pownall Fee, Co. Chester, mason, I give
unto my sonne John (?) pounds
unto my sonne Edward the dishboard, the little plow, and the little pair of plow irons, etc.
unto my daughter Mary 1/s. It is my will that the rest of my goods etc. be divided into four
equall parats and three parts thereof to be divided into equall portions.
unto my sonne John
unto my sonne Thomas
unto my daughter Sarah.
And the fourth equall part being divided as aforesaid, I give unto my Executors to administer
to my daughter Mary or her issues necessitie according as they in their wisdome and discretion shall see occasion.
Executors my brother Robert Peirson of Pownall Fee, mason, and John Johnson of Baguly, yeoman,
and Randle Janney of Pownall Fee, husbandman.
Lawrence Peirson
Witnesses, Peter Burges, John Hobson, the mark O of Richard Neild. Proved 20 Jun 1674 by Jo.
Johnson one of the Exors, named. Power reserved to Robert Peirson, Randle Janney being dead.
A pattern was often used in these old wills,
being : one witness from the husband's family, one from the wife's, and one unrelated. This assured that all parties were
treated fairly.
Executors : Robert Peirson -- husband's brother
John Johnson -- no known relationship
Randle Janney -- wife's brother
Witnesses : Peter Burges -- related to Janney family.
John Hobson -- no known elationship
Richard Neild - (sic, Heald) married Elizabeth Peirson.
The fact that Lawrence left a will at all says something for him. Most people did not own enough
to leave a will. Do not make the mistake of thinking the family was well-to-do, though. The Pearson name never appears among
the famous or infamous of Cheshire. Several were masons, an honest trade, but hard labor. It has been said that daughter Mary
Pearson married in 1690 in Penna., to John Scarbrough. However, she was ten years older than him, his last child was born
in 1700 (when she was 53!), and his wife was supposedly an Indian. John Scarbrough was a member of Middletown MM, Bucks Co.,
(1) His marriage to his first wife in 1643 is in Presbury Parish Records.
(2) Birth of his child Mary is in 1647 in Wilmslow Parish. (she's named in his will.) (3) Death of his first wife, Anne, was
NOT found in parish registers leading me to believe she was buried as a Quaker. The earliest Morley MM records are damaged/missing,
so she probably falls into the gap in records. (3) His next three children (born to second wife) were estimated born 1650,
1651, and 1653. Then his children begin being recorded in Morley MM 1654-1657. Lawrence apparently married during the gap
in the records to Elizabeth, as a Quaker. In the 1950's, Mary-Helen Pemberton was writing letters claiming that his second
wife was Elizabeth JANNEY, d/o Randle. Now, we know she wasn't reading parish registers, or the I.G.I., but she had to have
gotten that information from somewhere. I believe it was passed down to her as part of her family tradition. Other researchers
have said "Grandma said early in the century she was Elizabeth Janney. " lending further weight to the family tradition idea.
Where did Grandma get that name from? Probably her grandma. Mary-Helen was pretty tight with her information, and her sources.
She researched for a fee, and especially later in life, this was her only source of income, so you can't blame her. When she
died, everyone was hoping her files would go to a local library, however I'm told her nephew came in and took everything,
and he is sitting on it. We are not always at an advantage nowadays with all the records available to us. All too often,somebody
goes through some records, latches onto a name, and then runs with it. The idea gets copied, passed around, and takes on the
weight of truth. "Well, everybody says so. " I've spent a LOT of time trying to disprove things like that. I've probably made
errors that others have repeated, too. So we just keep searching and hoping to do better. I think the reason there is "doubt"
about Elizabeth JANNEY is because nobody has found any primary source document that says that's who she was. And the modern
genealogy teachers insist that without primary source records, you can't do anything! On the other hand, there is the preponderance
of evidence method, which acknowledges that in MANY cases, no primary source records were created (or survived). After all,
these people were busy pioneering new lands, raising their families, and surviving. They didn't care whether their existence
was documented. I always figure, if you can trace the "legend" back a few generations to somebody's grandma, it is an "untainted"
legend. Grandma didn't have anything to prove, wasn't influenced by the IGI or somebody's printed genealogy. Especially if
several grandmas in different branches of the family have the same story. Then I think the legend bears investigation. We
know that the PEARSON and JANNEY families were definitely close associates, and the earliest Quakers in their area. Perhaps
Elizabeth had been married before? This was a second marriage for Lawrence, so would that have made him more likely to marry
a mature woman? My mother was 35 before I was born, and she had two more after me. We tend to think that all our ancestors
married at 16, but that was not the case. An excellent book is "Southern Quakers & Slavery", by Stephen Weeks. He has
done demographics studies on colonial Quakers, and says that most were well into their 20's before marrying. Quakers valued
education, even for girls, and married late, and had smaller families than their peers. The questions are the mystery that
keeps me digging.
There is no primary proof that Elizabeth JANNEY was wife of Lawrence Peirson, or that she was daughter of
Randle and Ellen (Allred) Janney. However, the wife of Lawrence being nee Janney is a very strong tradition. At least four
researchers on different lines of the Pearson descent, said that their grandmothers made this claim in the 1900-1920 time
period. This claim is also made by Mary-Helen Pemberton, noted Pearson researcher of West Milton, Ohio (now deceased). These
claims were made long before microfilm and our modern genealogical resources were available. My research of all Wilmslow records,
Mobblery (parish and Quaker) records, and all surrounding parishes, shows that there were no other likely candidates for the
parents of Elizabeth. The Janney and Peirson families were both early and active Quakers in the Wilmslow/Mobberly area. Most
history books date the beginning of Quakerism in England as 1652, however these families had left the Church of England in
the early 1640's. Mobberly records begin in the 1640's, and are very thorough and complete. I also read Quarterly Meeting
records for comparison. Both families lived in the village of Styall. That Richard was son of Randle & Ellen is found
in "Publications of The Southern History Assn." His christening is not in the Wilmslow parish records. There was a Mary Janney
who is sometimes claimed as a child of Randle & Ellen. However, she was their granddaughter, daughter of Thomas, and she
married 3 Dec. 1654, to Robert Pearson. " ~ Corinne H. Diller
Marriage: Abt. 1650, Moberly Quaker Burying Ground, 2 miles from Pownall Hall
i. Thomas PEARSON, born 05 Sep 1653 in Pownall
Fee, Cheshire, England; died 17 Oct 1734 in Marple Twp., Chester Co., PA; married Margery Ellen Smith 18 Apr 1683 in Cheshire
England They were married at the home of Thomas Janney..
ii. Mary Peason
iii. Martha Pearson
iv. John Pearson
v. Robert Pearson
vi. Sarah Pearson
1030. ROBERT SMITH (Source: transcription by the Wilmslow Historical Society of documents
filed at the Chester Record Office as: "WS 1696, Robert Smith of Styall, yeoman."), born Jun 1638 in lived in Cheshire;
died 01 Apr 1696 in Morley MM, Cheshire, England. He was the son of 2060.
18 Feb 1683 in Wilmslow, Cheshire, England.
1031. ELLEN WILLIAMSON (Source: Transcription by Paul C. Palmer Original filed at
Chester Record Office as: "WS 1724, Ellen Smith of Pownall Fee, widow."), born 02 Nov 1628 in Pownall Fee, Cheshire,
England; died 09 Feb 1724. She was the daughter of 2062. John WILLIAMSON
and 2063. Jane HARROP.
Robert Smith, yeoman of Stiall in the parish of Wilmslow
Will dated July the 18th, 1689
Appraised by Jeffery Alcock and Reynald Kelsall
9th April, 1696
transcription by the Wilmslow Historical Society of documents filed at the
Chester Record Office as: "WS 1696, Robert Smith of Styall, yeoman"
July the 18th 1689
In the name of God amen: I Robert Smith of Stiall
in the parish of Wilmslow and
County of Chester yeoman beinge booth in good health and memory blessed bee the Lord
for it. Yet knowinge the certenity of death and
the uncertinty of the time when do
make this my last will and testiment for the prevention of differences which might
arise amongst my wife and children about those good which the Lord in his mercy hath
lent mee is as followeth viz:
Imprimis It is my will and mind and I doe
give and bequeath unto my sonne
William Smith the some of one shilling knowinge that what my father
and I have given to him formerly is more then I am able to give to
any of my other children.
Item I doe give unto
my gransonne Robert Smith cobbbord the disboard the
table in the house falle bord the coch cheave the bedstid in the
cross parlor and all the buttrey bords at the Lode hill house to be
for Eare Loomes
Item I doe give unto
my sonne John Smith the cubbord the table the
in the parlor below and all the bords both in the house and
buttrey to bee for Eare Loomes to Ha[o]ughgreene houses.
Item I doe give unto
my soninlaw Nathan Button and his wife other of
them the sum of one shilinge
Item I doe give unto
my soninlaw John Hall and his wife other of them the
some of one shilinge.
Item I doe give unto
my daughter Martha Smith to some of eight pound
beinge part of that 40 pound which I have received from my sonne
Item It is my mind
and will and I doe give and bequeath that fifty pound
which is due to mee from my sonne William Smith at such dayes and
times as the deede and assigement will make appeare to theise
persons heare after named that is to say the feirst ten pound to
may daughter Margery the ten pound to my daughter Mary the theird
ten pound to my Executor heire after named for the use of my
daughter Ellen or her issue if any theire bee to boye her clothes or
other nesacarys for them when hee shall thinke fit and convenient
and the forth ten pound to my daughter Jane and the fifth and last
ten pound beinge the ressedue of the fifty pound to my daughter
Martha : theise forementioned somes I give to my daughters and their
Issdues and if my daughter Ellen dye and leave no issue the remander
of that some to bee devided amongst her sister or theire issue.
Item I doe give unto
my sonns Robert Smith and John Smith all my wearinge
Item I do give unto
my wife Ellen Smith and my two soons Robert and John
all my husbandrey ware to bee used joyntly amongst them.
Item I do give unto
Johnathan Pownall the some of ten shillings
Item at affrere my
debts and funarall expences and theise before
mentioned legisies are all discharged it is my will and mind and I
do give and bequeath the one halfe of my goods to my wife Ellen
Smith and the other halfe beinge the resedue and remander of all my
goods I do give unto my daughter Martha Smith and I do renounce and
make voude all former wills and doe constitute and ordeane my trusty
and well beloved friend Johnathan Pownall who I do repose great
trust and confidence in to bee my soule Executor to see this my last
will and testament truly performed and I do desire my well beloved
friend John Corbishley and my wife to be as over seers to advise or
assist this my executor before named to see this my will truly
performed given under my hand and seale the day and year above
Robert Smith , yeoman of Stiall
Inventory dated 9th April 1696
Appraised by Jeffery Alcock and Reynold Kelsall.
transcription by the Wilmslow Historical Society of documents filed at
the Chester Record Office as: "WS 1696, Robert Smith of Styall, yeoman"
(recent efforts to locate the original have been unsuccessful)
[ £ = pounds / = shillings d = pence ]
£ / d
Imprimis 4 cowes a sterke & a calfe £14
10/ 0d
Item a mare
£ 5 0/ 0d
In henns & geese
4/ 0d
One swine
One feather bed, a tick feather bolster, a tick
Chaffe bolster, 1 rugg I blankett, 1 paire of sheets
Seild bedstead hangings & vallence with other
Belonging to the bed in the parlor. £ 4 0/ 0d
A table & forme in the same roome
£ 1 0/ 0d
2 bed hillings 1 blankett a feather bed a feather
boulster with a bedstead & other things thereto
belonging in the lodge
£ 2 10/ 0d
1 rugg 2 blanketts a feather bed 2 feather boulster
hangings & other beding in the cross parlor
£ 3 0/ 0d
3 old coverlid a chaffebed & 2 bolsters sheets
bedstead & other things thereto belonging in the
chamber over the cross parlor
£ 1 10/ 0d
6 pairs of sheets & other linnens
£ 3 0/ 0d
12 cushions
2/ 0d
in coppery & treene ware
£ 1 12/ 0d
a kneading turnell a board to knead on 1 forme
with other things in the kitchen
10/ 0d
3 cheares a little round table a salt coffer
& 2 stooles
8/ 0d
a cheese press
7/ 0d
an ould table & other boards in the chamber over
the kitchen
6/ 0d
in wheat barley & oates
£ 3 12/ 0d
a clock
£ 2 0/ 0d
in brass & pewter
£ 1 17/ 0d
a fire iron & other iron ware
13/ 0d
in husbandry ware
£ 4 0/ 0d
in earthenware 5/ 0d
the decedents wearing apparel
£ 4 0/ 0d
in money upon specialty
£27 0/ 0d
in trues & coals
1/ 0d
in hay
10/ 0d
in lumber perhaps omitted
5/ 0d
£83 1/ 0d
hile it seems a bit unusual that Ellen Williamson (1628-1724) and Robert Smith (1638-1696),
nine and a half years younger, would have married and produced nine children between July 1657 and November 1671, it seems
pretty certain that they did. All the vital records (except the marriage) are extant, including christenings of both Robert
and Ellen and the births of all nine children in the Quaker records and the burials of both Robert and Ellen, apparently beneath
the same stone in the Quaker 'burrying yard' at Mobberley. It shouldn't be surprising if the marriage record is not extant,
as only three Quaker wedding records from the Wilmslow/Stockport area before 1660 have come to hand
Robert died in 1696 and was buried at Mobberley,
next to the grave of his son and namesake, Robert Smith, Jr., who had died in his thirtieth year in 1692. A drawing of the
standing stone at his grave is shown, in a strangely altered form, in the pamphlet "The Church in the Field" by Patricia Hodson.
For reasons unknown the stone was redrawn and re-dated and represented as a grave marker for Robert Smith, Sr. In fact Robert
Smith, Sr. (1638-1696) lies under the flat stone immediately to the left of the standing stone in the photo. According to
the inscription of that flat gravestone, Robert, Ellen (d. 1724) and their grandson, Robert Smith, III, who died in 1763,
are buried in the same grave.
Ellin Smith of Pownallfee, Widow
Will dated August 31st,1722
Transcription by Paul C. Palmer
Original filed at Chester Record Office as:
"WS 1724, Ellen Smith of Pownall Fee, widow"
In the fear of god Amen: I Ellin Smith of pownallfee in
the County of Chester Widow being but weakly of bodie yet
of good and sound memorie and understanding do make
and ordain this my present Last will and Testament as=
first It is my will and minde that
all my Just Debts, funrall Expences and the harriott be first paid and discharged
2 I leave and give to my son William five pounds to buy – him a shuite of cloaths.
3 I leave to My Daughters Margerie and Mary either of them twentie pounds Apiece.
4 I leave and give to my Daughter Ellin the sum of twelve pounds, togather with all my Apparell both
Linen and Woolen, and my Down Bed.
5 I leave and give unto my Daughter Jane twentie pounds.
6 I leave to My Daughter Martha that piece of gold I wear About my neck.
7 I Leave to John and Cescill Preston my Grandchildren either of them twentie pounds Apiece.
8 It ^is my mind and desire that the mones I abated to my Daughter
Martha and her husband, being an arrear of rent be laid out of :2: Cows one for John and the other for Cescell Preston, my
said Grandchildren.
9 It is my request and desire that my Daughtr Martha I do give unto her :2: Daughtrs Alis and Heastr
either of them A Cow.
It is my desire and request to my Daughter Martha that :2: Bedsteds in
the parlor; i: press, i table and inbord in the Hous :i: Screen and Glasscases, and :i: other table; doe all remain and continue
at the Hous as Harelooms.
I do hereby nominate and appoint Hugh Burges of Hogsheadgreen to be Executr of this my will and minde And my Daughtr
Martha: to be the overseere of ^itand Leave them five shillings Apiece.
Sealed and delivered published& declared to be my present last will and Testiment
this :31st: of August Anno Dom; 1722
Ellin Smith
In presence and witness of us
her mark
John Roylands
Wm Allcock
Geff: Alcock
Marriage: 18 Feb 1683, Wilmslow, Cheshire, England
i. Margery Ellen Smith, born 06 Jun 1658 in Pownall
Fee England; died Aft. 1734 in Chester County PA; married Thomas PEARSON 18 Apr 1683 in Cheshire England They were married
at the home of Thomas Janney..
ii. William Smith
1152. Alexander Grigsby, born Abt. 1526 in Maidstone, Eng; died 12 Apr 1575 in Mersham,
Eng. He was the son of 2304. John Grigsby and 2305. Margaret Shrap. He married 1153. Anna 1552 in Mersham, Eng..
1153. Anna
About Alexander Grigsby and Anna:
Marriage: 1552, Mersham, Eng.
Children of Alexander Grigsby and Anna are:
i. Isacs Grigsby, born 1572 in Lincolnshire, England;
died 1604; married Joane Finch Jan 1597 in Ashford, England.
ii. Katheryn Grigsby
iii. Sibell Grigsby
iv. Margaret Grigsby
1156. John Bankes, born Abt. 1534 in Lancastershire, England; died 1579 in Ashford,
Kent., England. He married 1157. Margery Masterson Abt. 1559 in Winnington,
Cheshire, England.
1157. Margery Masterson, born Abt. 1539 in Winnington, Cheshire, England; died Unknown
in Ashford, Kent., England.
About John Bankes and Margery Masterson:
Marriage: Abt. 1559, Winnington, Cheshire, England
Children of John Bankes and Margery Masterson are:
i. John Bankes, born Abt. 1572 in Ashford, Kent.,
England/Ashford, England; died 22 Aug 1642 in London, England; married Mary Fisher 1597 in Maidstone, Kent., England.
ii. Caleb Bankes, born Abt. 1560 in Ashford, Kent.,
England/Ashford, England; died Mar 1597 in Ashford, Kent., England
iii. Joshua Bankes, born Abt. 1562 in Ashford, Kent., England/Ashford,
England; died Unknown.
iv. Tabitha Bankes, born Abt. 1564 in Ashford, Kent., England/Ashford,
England; died Unknown.
v. Daniel Bankes, born Abt. 1566 in Ashford, Kent.,
England/Ashford, England.
vi. Lydia Bankes, born Abt. 1568 in Ashford, Kent., England/Ashford,
England; died Infant.
vii. Priscilla Bankes, born Abt. 1571 in Ashford, Kent., England/Ashford,
1158. Alexander Fisher, born 1551 in Maidstone, Kent., England; died Unknown. He married 1159. Katherine Maplesden.
1159. Katherine Maplesden, born 1553 in Maidstone, Kent., England
Child of Alexander Fisher and Katherine Maplesden is:
i. Mary Fisher, born Abt. 1577 in Maidstone, Kent.,
England; died Unknown; married John Bankes 1597 in Maidstone, Kent., England.
1664. John Carbonne D'llard He married
1665. Unknown.
1665. Unknown
Notes for John Carbonne D'llard:
The Dillard name originates from France and can be traced back to the 16th century. The first spelling was Illard and
then d'Illard, with the "d" meaning "family of" Illard. John Carbonne d'Illard emigrated to England around 1620 or 1630 and
it was one of his children who changed the spelling to Dillard in order to anglocize the name. In 1650 one of their descendants,
George, came to Virginia. Because the manifest records are well documented showing George and other family members subsequent
arrivals it is often thought (mistakenly so) that Dillard is an English name. Howeve, today there are only 12 Dillard families
in the entire United Kingdom. France, on the other hand, is second only to the U.S. in the number of Dillard households. Today
in France the name is spelled as Dillard.
Some scholars have written that the name is English and derived from Dill or German and came from Diller. However,
there is no proof to support that or how the name came to be changed to Dillard. In France, there is ample recorded evidence
of the existence of the name d'Illard and there is plenty of supporting records in Wiltshire, England which shows the change
of the family name in the mid 1600's
d'Illard from France?
Much controversy exists as to the origin of family Dillard. Some think the roots of the family are French, from the
ancient family d'Illard, and specifically, from Carbonne d'Illard, a companion of William the Conqueror in the Norman invasion
of England in 1066.
reject the Carbonne d’Illard connection and instead believe that family Dillard originated as French Huguenots who migrated
to England, perhaps after the Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre in 1572 when many Huguenots fled to England, or perhaps during
other French religious wars in the 1620's.
others believe the Dillard line first originated in the Wiltshire area of southern England, and that Dillard is likely an
alliteration of an English name such as Tilliard or Tilyard or some other similar name. Prior to the 1600's most people could
not read nor write and hence, did not know how their names were spelled. Those who did write did so phonetically, with little
regard to formal spelling rules such as we follow today. Name alliterations were common in those days.
more serious genealogists claim that evidence suggests the first documented Dillard came from England and that no evidence,
other than family lore passed down through the generations, exists of a French connection, and because of that it must be
rejected. Although, there is scanty evidence of Dillards in England also
Dillard in America
George Dillard (ca 1630 - ca 1704): George landed at Jamestown in the Virginia Colony after a voyage from England in
1650, or shortly before, likely as a young, illiterate indentured servant (as were most immigrants of that period). 1650 was,
indeed, very early in the colonization of the North American continent, and as such, George would be considered one of the
original settlers.
Jamestown and the Virginia Colony
A historian has written, “Gold, trade, tillage represent the three stages in the history of colonization, and
the greatest of these ………….....….. is tillage”. This was never more true than in the Americas.
Shortly after the voyages of Columbus, Spaniards were exploring across the north and the south of the continent, raping it
of its gold and treasures. Then came the Dutch and the French with their outposts, trading European goods with the Indians
for furs. It was not until later that the English were the first to recognize the potential of the Americas as farmland, and
it is for this reason alone that today we speak English and not the language of the Spanish, French, Portuguese, Scandinavian,
or Dutch, all of whom had very early experiences in the New World.
started later than other European nations, but was rapidly emerging as an economic power. Farsighted leaders recognized the
natural resources available in the New World and the economic benefit that would accrue to England if they were tapped. A
case for colonization was made and to promote it a propaganda campaign was launched, touting the New World as a virtual Garden
of Eden. Several companies were chartered by the English for colonization purposes. Some adventurous individuals who wished
to begin a new life were found to travel to the New World, and when there were not enough to fill the boats, the English would
clear the jails to do so. In 1605 explorative journeys were made and the first colonies attempted but soon aborted.
It was not until May, 1607 that the first enduring English plantation was established. It was on the James River in
Virginia, and was named Jamestown. Of the 144 persons who embarked on the trip in three vessels, only 105 survived the journey. When they arrived, life was even more trying. Of the 105 who landed, only thirty-eight
survived through the year -- starvation and disease took its toll. The colony would have been abandoned, and almost was, if
not for the leadership of Captain John Smith. John Smith was a soldier-of-fortune who had a propensity to alienate all about
him into enemies. Nonetheless, he had the gifts of a frontiersman, including a knack for handling Indians, and the settlers
were sensible enough to recognize it. They chose him as their leader, although later there was a plot to assassinate him but
he made that largely unnecessary when he severely injured himself when he blew himself up with a barrel of gunpowder.
the years more ships came, pouring out new settlers. Many of them died, many others fled back to England on the next ship.
But some remained and the Colony grew. By 1628 there were 2,500 living in the Virginia Colony. The Indians kept the population
in check by massacring large numbers of the colonists, but eventually the Colony became better armed and eliminated the surrounding
Child of John D'llard and Unknown is:
i. George Dillard, born 1634 in Willshire, Eng.;
died 1694 in VA; married Martha Williams.
1690. William MULLINS (Source: Esther Littleford Woodworth-Barnes, Mayflower Families
Through Five Generations, General Society of Mayflower Descendants (1999), Vol. 16, Part 1, Family of John Alden, Onondaga
County Public Library, Syracuse, New York, p. 16.), born Abt. 1572; died 21 Feb 1620 in Plymouth, Essex, Massachusetts,
American Colonies. He was the son of 3380. John MULLINS and 3381. Joane
BRIDGER. He married 1691. Alice.
1691. Alice, born Abt. 1572; died in Plymouth, Essex, Massachusetts, American Colonies.
More About William MULLINS:
Occupation: Shoemaker (Source: Anderson, The Great Migration Begins, v. II p. 1315..)
Children of William MULLINS and Alice are:
i. Priscilla MULLENS, born 1602 in Surrey, England;
died 1685 in South Duxbury, MA; married John ALDEN Abt. 1623 in Plymouth, Essex, Massachusetts, American Colonies.
ii. William MULLINS
iii. Sara MULLINS
iv. Joseph MULLINS
1692. Richard Willis, born Bef. 1607 in England; died 16 Oct 1628. He was the son of 3384. Richard WYLLYS and 3385. Hester CHAMBERS. He married 1693. Jane Henmarsh Abt. 1624 in Middlesex County, VA.
1693. Jane Henmarsh, born Bef. 1607 in Charing, Kent, England.
More About Richard Willis and Jane Henmarsh:
Marriage: Abt. 1624, Middlesex County, VA
Children of Richard Willis and Jane Henmarsh are:
i. Thomas WILLIS, born 1616 in Middlesex County,
VA; died Bef. 06 Feb 1670 in Lancaster County, VA; married Mary Bentley Abt. 1654 in Middlesex County, VA.
ii. Richard WILLIS
iii. William WILLIS
iv. Elizabeth WILLIS
v. John WILLIS
1796. Richard Robins, born Abt. 1566; died 19 May 1634 in Long Bucky, Northamptonshire,
Eng.. He was the son of 3592. Thomas Robins and 3593. Elizabeth Pawmer. He married 1797. Dorothy Goodman 21 Jun 1597 (Source: Church of England, Parish
Church of Fawsley, FHL microfiche 6,127,462.).
1797. Dorothy Goodman, born Abt. 1579 in Northamptonshire, Eng; died 20 Feb 1640
in Long Buckby, Eng.. She was the daughter of 3594. Edward Goodman and
3595. Mary Rushall.
Notes for Richard Robins:
In the Name of God Amen I Richarde Robins of Buckby in the County of Northton yeoman being desirous
to prepare & fitt my selfe for the tyme of my departure out of this Life doe make this my Last will and testament First I commend my Soule to Allmighty God my Creator & to Jesus Christmy Redeemer
by whose passion & merits only I stedfastly brleeve I am made an heire of everlasting Life in heaven And to the holy Spirit
my only Comforter three persons & one Eternall God And my body to be comly buried
at Buckby at the descreson of my Executors. And
touching my lands and goods where with God hath blessed me beyond my deserts First
to show some thankefullnes to God for his mercy I doe give five pounds a yere
for ever out of the half yard land Lately William Gilberts in Buckby aforesaid unto John Thorneton of Broackall Esq. &
to Willm Cartwright of Northton, gent, & to their heires and Assignes to the use of the poore Inhabitants of Buckby for
the time being for ever ether yearly to be disposed among them according to their severall needs or other wise to be disposed
of to their persitts as by them shall be iudged most convenient, provided allwayes and my will is That my sonn & heire
& his heires shall have the free power to dispose & give forty shillings a yere of the foresaid five pounds to any
manner of person or persons at his and their free will and pleasures. And because the sayd Mr. Thorneton & Willm Cartwright
be mortall my desire it they will make other honest religeous men ffe ofees of the sayd yearly rent that yt may be for ever
imployed according to this my will. Item my will is that my sonn & heir shall
provide and give to Dorothy my Loveing wife at my house in Buckby where I now inhabit good&sufficient Lodging meat drinke diet fyre candle & washing fit and according to her degree & calling as now
she hath for & during her Life and the som of thirtie pounds yearly to be payd out of my Lands payable to her quarterly
at the severall feasts of St. Thomas the Apostle, the annunciation of the blessed virgin Mary, the Nativity of St. John the
Baptist & St. Michael Archangel by equall porcions for & dureing her life. And
If my sayd wife shall forebear to take her diet & lodging afforesayd, then my sonn & heir & his heires shall pay
unto her ten pounds a year more in lew of her diet & lodging payable at the dayes affore sayd by equall porcions dureing
her life. Further my will is my said wife shall have her coffen to her self as
she thinks fitt to store it. But if my said wyfe shall recover her dower out of my Lands, them my meaning is she shall hould her self therewith content and what I have foremerly
given to her shall cease & not be payde unto her. Item I give to my
tow sonns Obedience and Edward to each of them one hundred pounds to be payd
them within three months next after my decease Item I give to my Sonn John two hundred & forty pounds of which one hundred
to be payd him within three months next after my decease and the other hundred & forty within tow yeares next after my
decease. Also I give to my sayd sonn John & his heires my Close & ground
called the hether Throp in the parish of Norton, provided alwayes & my will is That yf my Sonn & heire shall pay unto
my said Sonne John or his heires the som of tow hundred & fifty pounds of good and Lawfull money of England at any tyme
within three yeares next after my decease That then my Legacy made to my sayd Sonn John of my close called hether Throp shall
cease & be voyd. Item I give & bequeath unto my sonn Thomas my Lease
& terme for yeares which I have of any Lands or tenements in West Haddon parish.
Item I give my sonn Thomas & his heires all my meadow & ground called Corne meadow in the parish of Watford
Provided alwayes & my will is That yf my heire at any time within three yeares next after my decease shall pay my sayd
sonn Thomas & his heires or Assignes the som of three hundred & fifty pounds of Lawful money of England then my heir
shall reenter into the sayd ground called the Corne meadow and into my sayd Lease to have the meadow to him and his heirs
for ever & the lease for the the years therein to Come & -------.
Item I give to my sayd sonn Thomas forty pounds to be payd him within two yeares next after my decease. Item I give more to my sayd sonne Thomas the Lease I have of only pasture. Item I give and bequeath to my tow youngest Lemuell & Mary to
each of them twenty pounds to be payd them presently after my decease And my will further is and I doe bequeath That yf my
said tow daughters shalbe married by the consent & advice of the forenamed John Thorneton then my Executor shall pay them
so marrieing, or her that so married one hundred & four score pound a pece of Lawfull money of England within three monthes
next after his notice thereof and I doe further devise that yf the said Mr. John Thorneton shall die before the marriage of
my sayd tow daughters or before he hath given his derection therein Then my sayd Executor shall pay my sayd daughters 180
l. a peece at their severall ages of twenty yeares and my will further is that yf my said daughters or ether of them die before
marriage then the porecon of them or her that so dieth shall remayne to my Children to be equally devided amongest them.
Item I give to my daughter Sara tenn
Item I give to my daughter Contenew
forty shillings.
Item I give to all my gran Children forty shillings a peece.
Item I give to my three brothers to
each of them twenty shillings.
Item I give to my loveing frends Mr.
John Thorneton & Mr. Willm Cartwright
to each of them twenty shillings.
Item I give to each of my servants
which I shall have at the tyme of my
death to each of them xii d.
All the rest of my lands, goods, Cattells
& Chattells I give to my loveing Sonn Richard Robins who I make my Sole executor of this my last will & Testament
and doe renounce all former wills made by me to be of non effect. And I intreat my loveing frends Mr. John Thorneton, Mr.
William Cartwright and my brother William Wills to be my overseers of this my last will, and with their counsell and advise
to derect my Executor in the due execution of this my last will & testament; And I doe advise & charge my Executor
to take this advise therein & to be ruled by the same. And my will is And I do hereby devise That yf any question ambiguitie
or contreversie shall happen to arise or grow upon any word legacie clause or matter contained in this my last will, then
the same shalbe heard exponunded determined & iudged by the sayd overseers of this my last will or by the more part of
them and such their expossicion iudgement & determinacon. I declare to be my last will and Testament And I will that within
xx dayes next after my decease A trew Inventory be taken of all my goods and Chatttells and a trew Copy thereof delivered
to my overseers. It wittness whereof I have put my hand & seale this first
day of March 1633. Richard Robins
Sealed and delivered in the presence of Wm Cartwright Richard Carvel his mark Valentine Robinson
his mark
More About Richard Robins and Dorothy Goodman:
Marriage: 21 Jun 1597 (Source: Church of England, Parish Church of Fawsley, FHL microfiche 6,127,462.)
Children of Richard Robins and Dorothy Goodman are:
i. Col. Edward Robbins, born 26 Aug 1604 in Long
Buckby, Eng.; died Bet. 01 Feb - 17 May 1641 in Accomac Co., VA; married Jane Cornish 16 Apr 1630.
ii. Continice Robbins, born 1598; died Unknown;
married John Eyre; born Unknown; died Unknown.
Richard Robbins, born 10 Dec 1599 in Long Bucky, Northamptonshire,
Eng.; died Aft. May 1674; married Alice.
.Obeience Robbins, born 26 Apr 1601 in Long Bucky, Northamptonshire,
Eng.; died 1662 in Northamptonshire, Eng; married Grace O'Neil Waters; born Unknown; died Unknown.
v. John Robbins, born 25 Sep 1602 in Long Buckby,
Eng.; died Unknown.
vi. Sarah Robbins, born 01 Sep 1606 in Long Bucky, Northamptonshire,
vii. Thomas
Robbins, born 03 Apr 1608 in Long Bucky, Northamptonshire
Dorothy Robbins, born 23 Dec 1610 in Long Bucky, Northamptonshire,
Lemuell Robbins, born Unknown; died Unknown; married Richard Marriatt;
x. Mary Robbins, born Unknown.
1798. Richard CORNISH (Source: (1) Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin, 42: 51-101
(Winter 2001).., (2) St. Peter's Parish Register, Church of England, Tiverton, England, Record Office, Exeter, England.),
born 25 Jan 1578 in Tiverton, Eng.; died 29 Sep 1625. He was the son of 3596.
George CORNISH and 3597. Maria/Mary LAWRENCE. He married 1799.
Grace GOODING 27 Jun 1604.
1799. Grace GOODING (Source: Charles F. C. Luxmore, transcriber, Registers of the
Parish of Huntsham 1559-1900, (Exeter: William Pollard & Co.,
Ltd, North Stree, 1905), FHL microfilm 0,917,150..), died 26 Jul 1658
in Tiverton, Eng..
About Richard CORNISH and Grace GOODING:
Marriage: 27 Jun 1604
Children of Richard CORNISH and Grace GOODING are:
i. Jane Cornish, born Abt. 15 Aug 1612 in Tiverton,
Eng.; died Bet. 01 Feb - 17 May 1641 in Accomac Co., VA; married Col. Edward Robbins 16 Apr 1630.
ii. Jane CORNISH, born Abt. 06 Jan 1606.
iii. John CORNISH, born Abt. 14 Mar 1609.
iv. Alice CORNISH, born Abt. Aug 1614.
v. Thomas CORNISH, born Abt. 1616.
vi. Grace CORNISH, born Abt. 14 Feb 1618.
1800. Joseph Crew, born 14 May 1552 in Whalley Parsh, Lancashire, England; died 17
Jan 1640 in Bewdly, Worcestershire, England. He was the son of 3600. Robert
Chew and 3601. Ana Chatburne. He married 1801. Elizabeth Gott.
1801. Elizabeth Gott, born 1560 in Chewton, Summerset, England; died Unknown in Whalley
Parsh, Lancashire, England.
Children of Joseph Crew and Elizabeth Gott are:
i. John Chew, born 16 Jul 1587 in Chewton, Somerset,
England; died 1668 in Anne Arundel Co., MD; married Sarah Bond 1628 in Va..
ii. Samuel Chew, born 1589.
iii. Dyan Chew, born 1591; died Unknown.
iv. Susan Chew, born 1593; died Unknown.
v. Hester Chew, born 1595; died Unknown.
vi. Sarah Chew, born 1597; died Unknown.
2004. Thomas Kellogg, born 1521; died 12 Mar 1568 in England. He was the son of 4008. Nicholas Kellogg and 4009. Florence Hall. He married 2005. Florence Byrd.
2005. Florence Byrd She was the daughter
of 4010. Philip Byrd.
for Thomas Kellogg:
At the Manorial Court of Debden in 1571, he succeeded his mother in possession of the tenement
and land called Mondes as appears in the Manorial Court record as follows:
Florence Kellogge, widow, late wife of Nicholas Kellogge, deceased, held for term of her life, a customary tenement with a
house thereon and 10 acres of customary land formerly called Webbs and now called Mondes with a pightel planted with osiers
etc., reversion therof after her death to Thomas Kellogge and his heirs as appears by the rool of 5 Edward VI [A.D. 1551].
Now comes the said Thomas and prays to be admitted in reversion and he is so admitted.” In Court on 12 May 1568, Thomas
surrendered to William Kellogg two acres of Wymonds.
More About Thomas Kellogg:
Christening: 15 Sep 1521, Backing Parish, Dedham, Essex,
Child of Thomas Kellogg and Florence Byrd is:
1002 i. Phillippe Kellogg, born
15 Sep 1560 in Debden, England.; died Aft. 1600; married Annis HARES Abt. 1582.